Author copies of Aerth
So this a picture of five of them on my slightly tidied desk. You can see two mugs of tea, and swept to one side is the MS of my novel, The Wilder Path, for which I'm doing some edits.
Also last week arrived a box of bookmarks, advertising both books (which are being published within 15 weeks of each other). I designed these myself.
Also in the last week arrived Storm Darragh, the fourth named storm of the season. Winds of over 90mph, trees down, much storm damage, thousands of people without power for several days - and the first time I have ever received a red alert on my phone, along with 3 million others in Wales, Northern Ireland and the South-West of England. The siren is loud and unlike any other sound that may arrive on a mobile phone. Having never heard it before, and happening to be standing near our electric piano, I spent a few minutes convinced that something had gone dreadfully wrong with it. (I heard the siren but didn't look at my phone).
But, levity aside, we need, as a world, to be taking the climate and ecological crises much more seriously than we are. Ordinary people can only do so much. Change needs to be systemic. Governments and big companies - I'm looking at you. We already have the solutions - let's implement them.
Near Death Experiencer:
I know what's up, literally.
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Wanna travel to galaxies?
Write about our adventures?
Rescuing waaayward girls
and, more important, 2B1
Upstairs in the starry sky?
• •
Cya soon, ya wildflower you.
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